The Benefits of AC Duct Cleaning.

ac repairing maintenance
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Improved air quality throughout your home

Duct cleaning will contribute greatly towards the air quality throughout your home. Providing a cleaner and safer environment to live, sleep and in recent times, work as well. This can improve focus and also improve your sleep.

Elimination of allergens and bacteria

The sanitisation within our service plays a big part in eradicating bacteria from within the duct system. This is performed using a fogging machine that coats the inside of the duct and coil with a sanitiser.

Improving airflow and efficiency

Clearing the dust from inside the duct and filters is essential for allowing airflow through your ducts and then into your home. Any sort of blockages or clogged filters/ducts, will create a strain on the system and not allow as much air through to the grills or diffusers. This will then eventually hurt the unit and could cause cooling issues in the future.

Boosts the lifespan of the ventilation system

Regular duct cleaning can dramatically increase the life span of your AC system. Whether it’s the AC Unit itself or the duct and its lining, allowing for a build-up of dust and mould can eat into materials and permanently stain them as well as eat into the material causing particles to be blown into your home.

Preventative maintenance to minimise AC maintenance and repair costs

Following our recommended cleaning regime will minimise ac repairing maintenance and repair costs. We recommend a deep clean of your AC system every year, with quarterly minor services to achieve the performance your system is capable of.

Improvement of unpleasant odours

Deep cleaning of your AC system will improve unpleasant odours and smells. Within our service, we clear all the dust from the ducts, filters and vents. Using this method of cleaning regularly stops mould from forming and then in turn smells and odours are prevented.

Professional Advice About AC

“It is advisable to have the air conditioning ducts cleaned annually, especially if one or more people in a family suffer from allergies, or if there are children at home. Winter is a particularly good time because the air conditioning systems are not in use all the time. To be honest, many families would be surprised to see the amount of dirt and mould that would be eliminated during a cleaning session,” said Dr Imad Ali, a paediatrician at Amrita Medical Centre.

The fine dust that collects in uncleaned ducts can contain as many as 1,000 dust mites, and up to 250,000 allergenic dust mite faecal pellets, and these trigger nasal and respiratory symptoms in people with pre-existing allergies. In addition, mould, which is also known to exacerbate allergies through released spores, can also build up in these pipelines.

Dubai’s Rashid Hospital, which treats about 1,500 asthmatic patients each year, has previously issued a recommendation to regularly clean air conditioning ducts to avoid the accumulation of dust and fungal allergens.

While general maintenance is provided for most apartments and villas in the capital by landlords and property management companies, the cleaning of AC ducts is not included in most maintenance contracts. Residents, therefore, have to request the service and often pay for it themselves.

The Importance of Duct Cleaning in Dubai

With Dubai being surrounded by desert, sand storms are a regular occurrence. The amount of sand and dust being carried in the air wreaks havoc on your externally mounted AC condensers and coils. Once this dust has collected in your AC Units this can then find its way into your ducts and then once your AC is switched on, blown around your home, potentially causing breathing problems such as acute asthma.

Regular duct cleaning can dramatically increase the life span of your AC system. Whether it’s the AC Unit itself or the duct and its lining, allowing for a build-up of dust and mould can eat into materials and permanently stain them as well as eat into the material causing particles to be blown into your home.

Professional Advice About AC

“It is advisable to have the air conditioning ducts cleaned annually, especially if one or more people in a family suffer from allergies, or if there are children at home. Winter is a particularly good time because the air conditioning systems are not in use all the time. To be honest, many families would be surprised to see the amount of dirt and mould that would be eliminated during a cleaning session,” said Dr Imad Ali, a paediatrician at Amrita Medical Centre.
Regular duct cleaning can dramatically increase the life span of your AC system. Whether it’s the AC Unit itself or the duct and its lining, allowing for a build-up of dust and mould can eat into materials and permanently stain them as well as eat into the material causing particles is to be blown into your home.

Improving airflow and efficiency

Clearing the dust from inside the duct and filters is essential for allowing airflow through your ducts and then into your home. Any sort of blockages or clogged filters/ducts, will create a strain on the system and not allow as much air through to the grills or diffusers. This will then eventually hurt the unit and could cause cooling issues in the future.

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