Things you should not do after having the hair transplant surgery

Hair Transplant
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Undoubtedly, everyone in this world is troubled with falling hair. But have you ever tried to find the reason for constantly breaking hair? Several factors result in alopecia, such as medical conditions, heredity & genetic patterns, hormonal alterations, and a rising age factor. Even though there are a plethora of oral treatment options that claim to stop breaking hair forever but are unable to do so. So by keeping this thing into account, the Hair Transplant clinic in Jalandhar brings numerous hair transplant techniques so that masses can get relief from their constantly falling hair forever.

In addition, hair loss severely influences many people and results in baldness or bald patches on the scalp. Due to this, several masses isolate themselves from the outside world so that they will not have to be part of the joke for their friends or relatives. This scenario badly hit their confidence levels and self-esteem. So to gain their confidence back, the most effective kind of hair transplant: FUE Hair Transplant In Punjab, comes in front. After this procedure, individuals can not only obtain natural-looking hair but also attain their lost self-esteem.

What should you avoid doing after having the hair transplant surgery?

These are:

Driving: You may know that strong sedation is given to a patient while the execution of the hair transplant procedure to avoid severe pain and discomfort. Its effect may take at least 24 hours to over. Therefore, a patient should not drive a car without permission from their hair surgeons. It will help to avoid any unwanted mishappenings.

Hair dyeing: This question is often asked: can people dye their hair? If yes, when? The answer to this question is that you can not dye your hair for twenty-eight days after your hair transplantation. If you are more curious to have hair dye and can not wait for four weeks, dye your hair at least one week before getting the hair transplant. It will not affect your cure or hair growth.

Sleeping flat: To avoid the feeling of irritation, itching, and swelling in the stitches at your scalp, you must lie down in a straight posture while sleeping. Follow this posture at least up to seven days after your surgery. Swelling may create several obstacles in your recovery process and make it too long.

Prohibit eating fast food: After having hair restoration surgery, avoid the heavy consumption of oily and fatty food items as they can not give required nutrients to your hair follicles to promote tier growth. Alternatively, try to eat green leafy vegetables and fruits that can provide your scalp with the required protein and minerals. Additionally, it would help if you said goodbye to cigarettes and alcohol.

Apply ice to the stitches: Do not forget to apply ice to your scalp if dealing with swelling. You know, ice is considered to be more beneficial in overcoming swelling from earlier times. So, utilise this trick to get relief from inflammation.

Book your initial consultation with the hair experts at the ASG Hair Transplant Centre if you want to attain healthy, thick and smooth hair and improve your self-confidence, self-esteem and happiness.

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